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Emulating Adversary Actions in the OT Environment in Power Plant – Substation


Information Technology (IT)

Internet of Things (IoT)

Operational Technology (OT)

  • Operational Technology (OT) in power plants includes hardware and software systems for monitoring, controlling, and ensuring safe operations.
  • OT systems include control systems, safety instrumentation, protection systems, and monitoring systems.
  • These systems work together to maintain stability, ensure safety, and optimize performance per regulatory standards.

Lab Components


3 DC motors for turbine and substation simulations.

Limit Switch

Detect the presence or absence of an object

Raspberry Pi

Model 4B with 8GB RAM


Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis aenean.


Industrial Network Switch with 8 Gigabit Ethernet ports and 2 SFP Ports.


Relays & Power Supply

24V 4-channel relay,  12V DC Supply, 24V DC Supply for electrical controls.


Compromise of Plant Turbine

Red Team Objectives

  1. Deploy a rubber ducky to gain initial access to the power plant network and inject the Simatic Smackdown malware.
  2. Use the malware to disable or manipulate the PLC controlling the power plant systems, causing operational disruptions.

Blue Team Objectives

  1. Monitor network ports and endpoints for unauthorized devices and unexpected USB activity to prevent initial access.
  2. Continuously monitor the devices for signs of malware activity or unusual behavior, 

Learning Outcomes

Learn the operational aspects and vulnerabilities in a turbine control system.

Mitre ATT&CK Coverage

T1595 - Active Scanning (Identify PLC and network devices)
T1590 - Gather Victim Network Information
Initial Access
T1200 - Hardware Additions (Rubber Ducky for initial network access)
T1059 - Command and Scripting Interpreter (Run Simatic Smackdown malware)
T1106 - Native API (Control Siemens PLC via malware)
T1053 - Scheduled Task/Job (Maintain malware persistence on device)
Privilege Escalation
T1068 - Exploitation for Privilege Escalation (Modify PLC settings with elevated access)
Defense Evasion
T1070 - Indicator Removal on Host
T1562 - Impair Defenses (Disable PLC to stop power generation)
T1046 - Network Service Scanning
T1025 - Data from Information Repositories (Monitor PLC and network data)
Command and Control
T1071 - Application Layer Protocol (Maintain malware control over PLC)
T1048 - Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol (Extract PLC status and operational data)
T1499 - Endpoint Denial of Service (Disrupt power generation by stopping PLC)

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